April 4, 2010

Use Background Image from Template Designer

Since the template designer announced, there were quite a few cool images we could use. I would like to tell you how you could use the new template in your old blog without change all your template to the new template designer as i did. First you must create a new blog e.g. http://Trying-your-blogname.blogspot.com. Choose a new template designer you like the most then save it. Go to your Layout - Edit HTML without check the expand widget templates. Scroll down a bit and find any images under /* Variable definitions
(use CTRL + F) Hint : Png or Jpg.
For example :
<Variable name="body.background" description="Body Background" type="background" color="$(body.background.color)" default="#296695 url(http://themes.googleusercontent.com/image?id=1iJBX-a-hBX2tKaDdERpElPUmvb4r5MDX9lEx06AA-UtZIQCYziZg3PFbmOyt-g2sH8Jo) repeat-x fixed top center" value="#FFFFFF url(http://themes.googleusercontent.com/image?id=1iJBX-a-hBX2tKaDdERpElPUmvb4r5MDX9lEx06AA-UtZIQCYziZg3PFbmOyt-g2sH8Jo) repeat-x fixed top center"/>
Copy Paste the image URL in your Notepad editor. Try to open the image URL you just copy in a new tab and view that image.
If you satisfied with the image than apply that images url in your old template as usual in :
#Body or #Outer Wrapper
Do not forget to set CSS background properties effect for your background image.
    * background-color
    * background-image
    * background-repeat
    * background-attachment
    * background-position
Example :
body {
background:#FFFFFF url('Use-Background-Image-from-Template-Designer.PNG') no-repeat top center;
Now you will have a cool background image from new template designer without bandwidth limitation and fastest loading than any hotlink sites.


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